

Hey guys!  Today I'll just be sharing a something very short, but yet so impactful.  This morning when I woke up, I actually has these words in my heart "BREAK FREE".  I was now meditating on these two words, and I started having a conversation with myself. I said to myself, "girl, you need to break free from the limitations that you've set for yourself, you need to break certain mindsets that you have, break free from thinking and being mediocre". The list goes on and on! And today I just came here to encourage someone that has been feeling trapped, someone that has been feeling like they don't know who they are anymore because they've been everybody else but themselves, someone who feels like they are never enough etc. Listen, the time is now, BREAK FREE! Embrace who you are, embrace your uniqueness, embrace your laughter, embrace YOU!  BREAK FREE from the stereotypes that have bound people for so long, BREAK FREE from the boundaries th

Sow seeds of life ๐ŸŒบ

Hey my friends! I believe you guys are doing well, and the the Lord has been good to you and your family ❤️ Let me start by apologizing for not posting as regularly as I should, the past couple of weeks have been somewhat hectic, but things have slowed down a bit, so I'll be posting every week again๐Ÿ˜Š With that being said, i want to share something very short that the Lord has been teaching me. This has made me understand the importance of building with my words and speaking life to myself and everyone that is connected to me. The Lord has been teaching me about the power of a seed. A seed, as small as it is, carries the potential in it to become a mighty tree. And so is it with the words that we speak, they are seeds that we sow in the realm of the spirit. In due season, we will reap a harvest!  The word of God in the book of Proverbs alerts us to the power of the tongue, it says that the power of life and death lies on the tongue, meaning that you can either speak life or death,

One day at a time ๐ŸŒบ

Hey guys!  I hope you guys are doing well. I'm beyond excited to be back again. These past two weeks have been quite hectic for me, and I just wanted to share some of the lesson that I learnt over this week. Well, I think for the past 4 weeks, my sister and myself have been learning something new, a new skill if you would, and it has been H for hectic! Jonga!๐Ÿ˜‚ The mind has been on fire with all the new knowledge that we have been taking in, it just hasn't been easy. And in the midst of all these things, I picked up a few lessons along the way, and I believe that it is the Lord that has been teaching me, or reminding me if you would, about these things.  There this pressure when you're learning something new, that you have to know it all at once. This is a pressure that we put ourselves under, by thinking that you have to be master of this new skill immediately, and we tend to think that if we get stuck or we don't understand something, it's a bad thing

I am done! ๐ŸŒบ

Hey guys!  I hope this post finds you well and healthy. This won't be a long post, it's just something that I'm sharing with you guys as it was in my heart.  Well, today I want us to talk about our identity in Christ Jesus. I want us to talk about who we are in Christ, and I want us to actually talk about the mighty work that God has done in us and continues to do that great work in us. Today I want us to rise I'm courage, and own who we are.  I realized how important it is to own my identity in Christ. Yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus hung on the cross for my sins, I believe that He died, and He rose again on the third day. I believe in the resurrection power, and I believe that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me.  The reason that this is so important for me to mention is that I am tired of shying away from this truth. Yes, there are many times when I was afraid to speak up about Who I believe in, and Who I stand for. This came

Be authentic ๐ŸŒบ

Hey guys!  It's been a minute ๐Ÿ˜Š, but it's all good. I believe this post finds you well, happy and satisfied ❤️ Well, last week I didn't post anything for various reasons. One of them is that I was just in a tough space and I needed to get some things in order.  When I started writing again, I remember telling myself that I wanted to be authentic, I wanted to be myself and in all my posts, I wanted every reader to find a piece that they can relate to, and that is still the order of the day๐Ÿ˜. The reason why I am saying these things is that I want to be as transparent and authentic as I possibly can❤️ and that's what I want to encourage us in today in this short post.  Never ever show up as someone other than who God created you to be. God knows why He created you to be the way you are, you are created in His image and likeness. May this truth never depart from our hearts, may this be a truth that we carry with us each and every day, that we are the way we are for a purp

Wait Well๐ŸŒบ

Hey everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š I hope you guys are well, and that you had an absolutely wonderful week.  As you'll see, the title of today's blog is Wait Well , and this is something that is so important for many of us to understand. This post was actually inspired by a conversation I had with my sister this past week. It made me reflect on my own life, and actually evaluate whether in the season of waiting on the Lord that I am in, am I actually waiting well , or am I just complaining, mumbling and saying words that are not going to benefit me in the future.  I took a long hard look at my life in it's current state, and I came to the conclusion that I am in the season of waiting on God, waiting on the manifestation of His promises in my life, and I asked myself "what state are you in mentally in this season?". I asked myself this, because I figured that what is in my mind plays a very important role to what will come out of my mouth, and eventually, be the results of my life. 

God's Masterpiece ๐ŸŒบ

Hey my loves!  I believe you all are doing extremely well, and that you guys are healthy ๐ŸŒป.  Well this morning I woke up being reminded of who I am, and I think that I want to share that with you guys. This week has been one busy week for me, because alot of things have been happening and I was finding it a bit hard and stressful to adjust to this new routine that I have.  I was just so overwhelmed by everything that all I wanted was just  to rest! And indeed the Lord came through for me, and that's when I realized that the Lord listens to me when I talk to Him, He cares about me deeply and He takes everything concerning me into consideration.  I am learning that indeed God is faithful, He cares for me, He listens to me, even to my deepest thoughts. I am learning to live in the reality of God's word. I am learning to trust this word wholeheartedly, and I am learning the importance of keeping His word in my heart.  There is so much truth and love in the