One day at a time 🌺

Hey guys! 

I hope you guys are doing well. I'm beyond excited to be back again. These past two weeks have been quite hectic for me, and I just wanted to share some of the lesson that I learnt over this week.

Well, I think for the past 4 weeks, my sister and myself have been learning something new, a new skill if you would, and it has been H for hectic! Jonga!😂 The mind has been on fire with all the new knowledge that we have been taking in, it just hasn't been easy. And in the midst of all these things, I picked up a few lessons along the way, and I believe that it is the Lord that has been teaching me, or reminding me if you would, about these things. 

There this pressure when you're learning something new, that you have to know it all at once. This is a pressure that we put ourselves under, by thinking that you have to be master of this new skill immediately, and we tend to think that if we get stuck or we don't understand something, it's a bad thing and we end up crucifying ourselves.

So one thing that the Lord has been teaching me is to be patient with myself in this process. I'm learning to take it one day at a time, I'm learning that you can't know everything overnight. Give yourself time to comprehend this knowledge, give yourself time learn in peace. I'm learning to not put pressure on myself, simply because it seems as if I'm getting behind or something. I'm learning to not let the pressure I'm feeling get to me, because that's exactly what it is, a feeling.

So today I just wanted to share this with you guys, and I hope it encourages you to dig deep within yourself as it has been encouraging me. This has caused me to dig deep within myself, to be courageous and to trust in the Lord with all my heart, because I understand that I cannot master anything unless He is in it with me. 

Surely, as long as God is with us, it's upwards and onwards for us! 

I love you guys, I appreciate you guys and I value and honor you guys ❤️

Thank you

Siyanelisa 👑


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