Wait Well🌺

Hey everyone 😊

I hope you guys are well, and that you had an absolutely wonderful week. 

As you'll see, the title of today's blog is Wait Well, and this is something that is so important for many of us to understand. This post was actually inspired by a conversation I had with my sister this past week. It made me reflect on my own life, and actually evaluate whether in the season of waiting on the Lord that I am in, am I actually waiting well, or am I just complaining, mumbling and saying words that are not going to benefit me in the future. 

I took a long hard look at my life in it's current state, and I came to the conclusion that I am in the season of waiting on God, waiting on the manifestation of His promises in my life, and I asked myself "what state are you in mentally in this season?".

I asked myself this, because I figured that what is in my mind plays a very important role to what will come out of my mouth, and eventually, be the results of my life. 

During this evaluation, I was reminded of something that King David said in Psalm 27:13-14

I  would  have  lost  heart, unless I  believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord ; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord !
Psalms 27:13‭-‬14 NKJV

I particularly love this scripture, because it carries so much power. It says that we should wait on the Lord, and for me that means that I should be in a place of prayer and in the Word of God in my waiting season. I should build a strong relationship with God, one that cannot be shaken by situations and circumstances. 

So as we wait on the Lord and we get tired along the way, the confidence that we should have is that He will strengthen us. That is what King David is making us to realize here, that in the wait, we will get tired, we will get discouraged and we will feel like we can't go on, but because we are waiting on the Lord, we know that we will be strengthened. Let our minds be set on Him, in our waiting season, let us keep on thinking about His goodness, let our minds be cultivated by the Word of Life.

With that being said my loves, let us be encouraged by this Word. What we take comfort in the the fact that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, regardless of what is happening around us, the confidence that we have is that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 

I love you guys so much, keep well, be safe and don't forget to wash your hands❤️

Siyanelisa 👑

