Be authentic 🌺

Hey guys! 

It's been a minute 😊, but it's all good. I believe this post finds you well, happy and satisfied ❤️

Well, last week I didn't post anything for various reasons. One of them is that I was just in a tough space and I needed to get some things in order. 
When I started writing again, I remember telling myself that I wanted to be authentic, I wanted to be myself and in all my posts, I wanted every reader to find a piece that they can relate to, and that is still the order of the day😁.

The reason why I am saying these things is that I want to be as transparent and authentic as I possibly can❤️ and that's what I want to encourage us in today in this short post. 

Never ever show up as someone other than who God created you to be. God knows why He created you to be the way you are, you are created in His image and likeness. May this truth never depart from our hearts, may this be a truth that we carry with us each and every day, that we are the way we are for a purpose. We shouldn't allow situations and circumstances to dictate how we should be. If you are a gentle person by nature, that is who God created you to be, don't allow things around you to tamper with the nature that God has given you. 

There is just so much beauty in a purpose that is birthed in authenticity, a purpose that is birthed in truth,a purpose that is birthed in God. Own who you are, after all, there is only one you.

Who you are is very important for the purpose that God created you for. Show up each and every day as your authentic self, no matter what the situation. 

Remain in God, stay true to who God created you to be, be authentic, be different, stand out from the crowd, and most importantly, be courageous in everything that you do. 

Thank you for taking your time to read these blogs. I appreciate each and every one of you guys ❤️

I love you all so much

Siyanelisa 👑



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