
Showing posts from June, 2020

Fix you thoughts on God 🌺

Hey lovies❤️ I hope you all are doing well. Today I just want to share a word that has been blessing me so much, and I believe it will bless you as well.  You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT When I discovered this word, I was going through so much. I was asking myself alot of questions, and I was panicking. Then when I discovered this word, it gave me to much peace and perspective. The word of God carries so much power, and I've been learning to receive this word by faith. The word says that He will keep in perfect peace those who trust in Him and whose thoughts are fixed on Him. Immediatly I asked myself where my thoughts were fixed, what am I meditating on, where are my thoughts taking me. And in that moment I found that I was worried, I was panicking and I was feeling hopeless, and that is because of all the junk that I was feeding my mind with. I continued to dig deeper within myself, and I came to the conclu

Be the best you🌻

Hey guys!  I believe this post finds you well, happy and healthy🌺. Life is meant to be lived one day at time, it is filled with so many lessons. I've come to understand that the things that I've been through actually contributed so much to the woman I am becoming. Since the lockdown started, I've been having quite a lot of moments of reflection on my life.  These moments have brought me tears, some have made me laugh till my tummy hurt and some have left me asking myself " what were you thinking gurl?".  As I started to reflect and think deeply about the course of my life, I learnt that I didn't know myself, I didn't fully understand myself, I hadn't fully forgiven myself and that I was limiting myself. I had flashbacks of moments where I watered myself down just so that someone else could feel comfortable around me, just so I could be accepted into a society that was meant to put me in a small box and limit me.  I noticed how I had played

Include God in everything 🌺

Hey guys!  I believe you are all well and healthy.  Well you guys know that I always touch on lessons that I've learnt in one or another season of my life, this week isn't any different 😁 let me tell you guys a short story.... I'm 2016 I decided that I was tired of Bloemfontein, so I headed out to go to Cape Town, and that was something that I always wanted to do, as Cape Town has a special place in my heart. So I found a school, paid registration, found accommodation, I had all of these things figured out, or so I believed.  Well I got on a bus, and my life in Cape Town started, and it didn't go as I had planned guys....things were not moving okay for me in school, I hung out with people I had no business in hanging out with, we'll go into detail about all that occurred during my time in Cape Town in another blog post. That time I was born-again, I had just accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior the previous year, and to be honest I didn't really have a relatio

Being real with God🌺

Hey lovies It is Friday...or better yet, Friyay! It's been a minute y'all, shuuu! Well I'm glad to be back, after two very long weeks of not posting. I hope you guys are doing well.  Well today I'll be talking about something that has been on my mind for quite some time now, and that is the importance of being real with God as well as being real with yourself. I find this to be a very important aspect of my relationship with the Lord and my relationship with myself.  We tend to think that you when we come to God in prayer, we have to be certain type of way, we tend to omit some parts of our lives because we feel like we need to take care of them before we bring them to the Lord. And this is something that I used to do alot, thinking that I could hide the struggles, the temptations and all of the bad stuff that I used to do from God and He wouldn't even notice, but He did notice them, and instead of trying to get out of these struggles and situations by m