Being real with God🌺

Hey lovies

It is Friday...or better yet, Friyay! It's been a minute y'all, shuuu!
Well I'm glad to be back, after two very long weeks of not posting. I hope you guys are doing well. 

Well today I'll be talking about something that has been on my mind for quite some time now, and that is the importance of being real with God as well as being real with yourself. I find this to be a very important aspect of my relationship with the Lord and my relationship with myself. 

We tend to think that you when we come to God in prayer, we have to be certain type of way, we tend to omit some parts of our lives because we feel like we need to take care of them before we bring them to the Lord. And this is something that I used to do alot, thinking that I could hide the struggles, the temptations and all of the bad stuff that I used to do from God and He wouldn't even notice, but He did notice them, and instead of trying to get out of these struggles and situations by myself, He wanted to me to involve Him sothat He could help me overcome them. 

He needed me to understand that by myself I couldn't do it, I couldn't beat that addiction by myself with my own strength, but in that moment of weakness, I needed Him to be my strength. And in order for Him to be all that I need, I would have to be transparent in prayer, I shouldn't filter anything, but I should come as I am and He would help me be the best version of myself, just as He had ordained it to be. 

I believe that is what being real with God is, it is you coming to Him just as you are, unfiltered, being transparent with Him and making room for Him to be Himself in your life. And this can only happen when you are real with yourself, acknowledge that you have weaknesses, you are flawed, you make mistakes, you are still struggling with certain things in certain areas of your life, and acknowledge that you need Him to help you every day of your life. And once you're real with yourself, you are able to appreciate who you are,you start embracing who you are, you actually want to be yourself as opposed to be being someone else. 

My loves, we don't have it all figured out, we are not perfect, we are a work in progress but let me tell you the work is good, it is pleasing and it is excellent. Keep shining, keep growing, keep appreciating and embracing who you are, that is what makes you unique.

I love you guys, thank you for your support. Do share the link with others so that they can be blessed as well, and lastly, be gentle with yourself ❤️

Siyanelisa 👑


  1. Its my first time reading your blog and I must say that am really blessed and encouraged by this. May the Lord keep you💯

    1. Thank you very much❤️ we thank God for this. And may this platform continue to be a blessing to you. I appreciate your support.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ma Wiliza❤️ I appreciate the support mam


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