Fix you thoughts on God 🌺

Hey lovies❤️

I hope you all are doing well.

Today I just want to share a word that has been blessing me so much, and I believe it will bless you as well. 

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3 NLT

When I discovered this word, I was going through so much. I was asking myself alot of questions, and I was panicking. Then when I discovered this word, it gave me to much peace and perspective. The word of God carries so much power, and I've been learning to receive this word by faith.

The word says that He will keep in perfect peace those who trust in Him and whose thoughts are fixed on Him. Immediatly I asked myself where my thoughts were fixed, what am I meditating on, where are my thoughts taking me. And in that moment I found that I was worried, I was panicking and I was feeling hopeless, and that is because of all the junk that I was feeding my mind with. I continued to dig deeper within myself, and I came to the conclusion that the reason why I was feeling the way I did, was because I was neglecting the Word of God.

I was no longer pondering on the word, instead I was looking at all the things that are happening around me and the things that look like they're not working out for me, and that is the reason why didn't have peace. 

And when I found out that when I fix my thoughts on God, then I will have peace, that just gave me so much rest. Instead of thinking and meditating on all these things that make one hopeless, I choose to set my mind on the things of God. I choose to meditate on His faithfulness, on His love, on His gentleness. I choose to feed mind with God's word, that way I know that I will have perfect peace. 

With this short message, I would love for us to just think of the goodness of God, I would love for us to fix our minds on His word, i would love for us to receive His word and the identity that He has given us. Let us imagine the life that God has called us to live, and that life is in the word of God, and let us walk in the realities of the Word ❤️

Much love 

Siyanelisa 👑


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