Include God in everything 🌺

Hey guys! 

I believe you are all well and healthy. 
Well you guys know that I always touch on lessons that I've learnt in one or another season of my life, this week isn't any different 😁 let me tell you guys a short story....

I'm 2016 I decided that I was tired of Bloemfontein, so I headed out to go to Cape Town, and that was something that I always wanted to do, as Cape Town has a special place in my heart. So I found a school, paid registration, found accommodation, I had all of these things figured out, or so I believed. 

Well I got on a bus, and my life in Cape Town started, and it didn't go as I had planned guys....things were not moving okay for me in school, I hung out with people I had no business in hanging out with, we'll go into detail about all that occurred during my time in Cape Town in another blog post. That time I was born-again, I had just accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior the previous year, and to be honest I didn't really have a relationship with Him, but I didn't understand why things were not going the way I had planned 😂

Long story short, I got evicted from the place I was staying at because my sponsor failed to pay my rent for 2 months, and that situation forced me to go home. I was devastated to say the least, but looking back now, I thank God that He brought me out because who knows what I would've dabbled with had I remained there. I was wild shame.

 I learnt a very important lesson as I was reflecting on that experience, and it is the importance of talking to God about our plans. Even the word of God says we should commit all our plans to the Lord and He will establish them (Proverbs 16:3), and that's one thing that I failed to do, it was to commit my plan of moving to the Lord, hence I ended up relying on my own strength and power, because I never included Him in the first place. 

And today I want to encourage someone who has decisions and choices to make, talk to God about those plans, consult Him, ask Him to go with you, involve Him in every step of the way, in this way, you are not relying or leaning on your own understanding, but you are trusting the counsel of the Holy Spirit, because He knows you more than you know yourself. 

Include God in your daily life, and prosper in all that you set your mind to.

I love you so much, and thank you for taking your time to read, comment and share these posts, I really appreciate you guys ❤️

Siyanelisa 👑


  1. Wow this is a powerful story. Thank you Siya

    1. Thank you so much❤️ I appreciate you


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