Be the best you🌻

Hey guys! 

I believe this post finds you well, happy and healthy🌺.

Life is meant to be lived one day at time, it is filled with so many lessons. I've come to understand that the things that I've been through actually contributed so much to the woman I am becoming. Since the lockdown started, I've been having quite a lot of moments of reflection on my life. 

These moments have brought me tears, some have made me laugh till my tummy hurt and some have left me asking myself " what were you thinking gurl?". 

As I started to reflect and think deeply about the course of my life, I learnt that I didn't know myself, I didn't fully understand myself, I hadn't fully forgiven myself and that I was limiting myself. I had flashbacks of moments where I watered myself down just so that someone else could feel comfortable around me, just so I could be accepted into a society that was meant to put me in a small box and limit me.

 I noticed how I had played who I am down, how I let my dreams die simply because someone didn't feel like they were worth pursuing. And I came to the conclusion that I didn't like that version of Siyanelisa, and that I had to do something about it. 

I thank God for lockdown, because it put many things into perspective for me. I am more determined now, I am encouraged to pursue my dreams until I see a manifestation thereof, and I want to live a life that will not only be a blessing to me, but to every person that I come into contact with.

I am learning the importance of pursuing my dreams, the importance of setting goals and working towards smashing them. I'm learning the vitality of excellence in everything that I do. I'm learning that I cannot be impactful if I am not whole. I am learning to be vulnerable and authentic with myself. 

I am determined to show up each and every day as the most authentic version of who God created me to be. Yes, sometimes it will be uncomfortable, but I'm learning that it's all worth it❤️

In all these things, I give thanks to God Almighty, because He never gave up on me, He is always there.

I love you so much, and I appreciate you. I am excited about what God is doing in your life, I am excited to see all that God has placed in you manifestating❤️ I celebrate you. 

With a grateful heart....

Siyanelisa 👑
