
Showing posts from May, 2020

Christ: The ultimate satisfaction

Hey y'all ❤️ I hope you guys are doing well. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I thank God for you and I pray that in all that you do, may you prosper. May praises to our God never ceases to be on your lips.  Last week I learnt a very important lesson and I'd like to share that with you guys. So what happened was, I was in communication with this person, and it was just so amazing, I was enjoying talking to this person and the conversation was just flowing, and then boom, it just stopped, and I didn't understand what was happening at that time. So me being me, I started over-thinking, over-analyzing, I was just beating myself up about it. And in that moment I was asking myself alot of questions, and in my heart I was praying, and I realized that Christ is the ultimate satisfaction for me.  And that is what I learnt in that situation, is that Christ should be the centre of my life, He should be the centre of everything that conce

Do it for you!

Hey guys!  I hope you guys are doing amazingly well and that you had a fantastic week.  What I have learned over the past few weeks if not months is that it is of utmost importance to focus on yourself. It is important to focus on your walk with God, and allow Him to be your guide.  This takes me to the title of today's message, which is "Do it for you". And I find that this statement is so powerful, as it carries the ability and power to help you grow and manifest all the God has put inside of you. When you focus on you, you are able to discover all that God has hidden inside of you, and by the help of the Holy Spirit, you are able to gain confidence in the gifts that God has given you.  That is why personal development and growth is so important. Do it for yourself, read that book for your own personal growth and development, study the word of God to know what he has given you. Fill yourself with knowledge, for you, not for the next person. When you pour into someone el

Speak to yourself

Hey guys!  I'm very excited because it's Friday, and I love Fridays because I get to connect with you guys ❤️ Today's post won't be long, but the one thing that I've been learning is to just be myself, and that can be very tricky if you're a person, like me, who allowed so many people to speak things into your life that were contrary to what God has said about you, this also includes what I would say about myself on a daily basis as well.  So for growing up, I accepted every word that people around me used to describe me with, and that became part of my identity in a way, so much that when I was older and someone would say " just be yourself" I would be so confused because I didn't know who I was and how to be that 😂.  One lesson that I learned from that identity crisis is how important it is to speak to yourself. Let the words that flow out of your mouth concerning yourself build you, let the words that you speak be the Words that God

Forgive yourself sis

Hey guys😊 Hope you guys have been doing well. So this week has been an absolute blessing and I thank God for that. Well this week I've been having flashbacks of all the things I used to do, all those embarrassing moments that only God and myself know about, and for the most part it has been funny.  And I didn't understand why I was remembering all of these things, because to be honest, as funny as it was, it has also been so embarrassing, because I was just like "what were you thinking though?". And then there was a day during the week when myself and my sister were praying and as we were praying it's like I understood why I've been having those flashbacks, and the Lord made me understand the importance of forgiving myself. I came to understand that there are so many things, situations and events that I have to forgive myself for, because the reality is that the Lord Jesus declares me forgiven, and the thing with our Lord is that He doesn't remember all t