Speak to yourself

Hey guys! 

I'm very excited because it's Friday, and I love Fridays because I get to connect with you guys ❤️

Today's post won't be long, but the one thing that I've been learning is to just be myself, and that can be very tricky if you're a person, like me, who allowed so many people to speak things into your life that were contrary to what God has said about you, this also includes what I would say about myself on a daily basis as well. 

So for growing up, I accepted every word that people around me used to describe me with, and that became part of my identity in a way, so much that when I was older and someone would say " just be yourself" I would be so confused because I didn't know who I was and how to be that 😂. 

One lesson that I learned from that identity crisis is how important it is to speak to yourself. Let the words that flow out of your mouth concerning yourself build you, let the words that you speak be the Words that God has spoken about you, and in this life, never accept any word that contrary to what God has said about you, because that would be you accepting a lie. 
Be the first person to speak into your life, every word that you speak carries substance, and you will definitely see the manifestation thereof. And when you've mastered speaking life into your own life, you will be able to speak life into others, because you can never take people where you've never been. 
Discover what God says about you, and speak that in agreement with Him, live in the reality of that word until you see a manifestation of it. 

Siyanelisa 👑 


  1. Amen! And also be mindful of this... There will be days where you'll feel like a failure and things won't ALWAYS be easy but NEVER change YOUR confession about YOURSELF. You'll make mistakes etc but ALWAYS tell and say good things about yourself

    1. Indeed my sister, situations and circumstances should never change our confession


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