Christ: The ultimate satisfaction

Hey y'all ❤️

I hope you guys are doing well. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I thank God for you and I pray that in all that you do, may you prosper. May praises to our God never ceases to be on your lips. 

Last week I learnt a very important lesson and I'd like to share that with you guys. So what happened was, I was in communication with this person, and it was just so amazing, I was enjoying talking to this person and the conversation was just flowing, and then boom, it just stopped, and I didn't understand what was happening at that time. So me being me, I started over-thinking, over-analyzing, I was just beating myself up about it. And in that moment I was asking myself alot of questions, and in my heart I was praying, and I realized that Christ is the ultimate satisfaction for me. 

And that is what I learnt in that situation, is that Christ should be the centre of my life, He should be the centre of everything that concerns me. I learnt that He should be my satisfaction, that nothing else outside should satisfy me more than my first Love, whose name is Jesus Christ. I was so caught up in the attention that this person was giving me, that I was so quick to neglect the King of my heart. And in the midst of all that was happening in my week, the Holy Spirit reminded me of who I am and who I belong to, He reminded me of what is important, and that is my relationship and fellowship with Him, my King of Glory. 

In a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is that never allow anything to cause you to neglect fellowship with God, never allow anyone to put you in a position whereby you compromise so much and I the end you gain nothing from that. Focus on God, Focus on you, grow with Jesus❤️

I love you and I appreciate each and every one of you that read, share and comment on this page. 

Have a great week

Siyanelisa 👑


  1. Oh my God, this is my first time taking time to check out your blogs🙌oh my this is amazing sis❤. I thank the Lord for your life. Remain blessed and covered and i love you. Shalom✨

    1. Thank you very much ❤️ I love you and appreciate you. Thank you for taking time to read it❤️may the Lord bless you and keep you.


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