Do it for you!

Hey guys! 

I hope you guys are doing amazingly well and that you had a fantastic week. 

What I have learned over the past few weeks if not months is that it is of utmost importance to focus on yourself. It is important to focus on your walk with God, and allow Him to be your guide. 

This takes me to the title of today's message, which is "Do it for you". And I find that this statement is so powerful, as it carries the ability and power to help you grow and manifest all the God has put inside of you. When you focus on you, you are able to discover all that God has hidden inside of you, and by the help of the Holy Spirit, you are able to gain confidence in the gifts that God has given you. 

That is why personal development and growth is so important. Do it for yourself, read that book for your own personal growth and development, study the word of God to know what he has given you. Fill yourself with knowledge, for you, not for the next person. When you pour into someone else, you won't be pouring from an empty cup, but from the fullness of all that God has vested in you. 

To do it for you means that you focus on building a solid relationship with the Lord, building trust in the relationship and coming into the fullness of who God is. This means that when the relationship has grown, trust has been built and you can be trusted to manifest all that God has placed inside of you. 

So today be encouraged, grow in the Lord for your personal benefit, and from there the fullness of our Lord will run over and affect everyone and everything that you come in contact with. 

Grow with God

Siyanelisa 👑
