Forgive yourself sis

Hey guys😊

Hope you guys have been doing well. So this week has been an absolute blessing and I thank God for that. Well this week I've been having flashbacks of all the things I used to do, all those embarrassing moments that only God and myself know about, and for the most part it has been funny. 

And I didn't understand why I was remembering all of these things, because to be honest, as funny as it was, it has also been so embarrassing, because I was just like "what were you thinking though?". And then there was a day during the week when myself and my sister were praying and as we were praying it's like I understood why I've been having those flashbacks, and the Lord made me understand the importance of forgiving myself. I came to understand that there are so many things, situations and events that I have to forgive myself for, because the reality is that the Lord Jesus declares me forgiven, and the thing with our Lord is that He doesn't remember all the wrong that we have done, He looks at us with His eyes of forgiveness and mercy.

Therefore because the Lord has forgiven me, I also have to forgive myself and that is one of the most important parts towards healing from all the we've been through, it's finding a place in your own heart forgive yourself. 
You see, we are healing and we are becoming...and this is something that we cannot avoid. Forgive yourself for allowing people to speak things that are contrary to what God says about you over your life. Forgive yourself for giving so much of yourself to the wrong people, forgive yourself for thinking that you were never enough, because the truth is that you are worth dying for, that's how valuable you are. 

I am also in a process of accepting who I am, and I'm forgiving myself for all the times I sold myself short. And I'm not saying that it's going to be all nice, some days we'll cry, some days we'll laugh and some days we'll want to be left alone sothat we can just get it together, but on all these days, let's remember this, that He who started this good work in us, will surely bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. 
Let's find comfort and rest in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

I love you guys so much and I appreciate you❤️

Siyanelisa 👑


  1. ❤❤❤❤ He who started a good work in me will surely bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ


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