
Showing posts from August, 2020

One day at a time 🌺

Hey guys!  I hope you guys are doing well. I'm beyond excited to be back again. These past two weeks have been quite hectic for me, and I just wanted to share some of the lesson that I learnt over this week. Well, I think for the past 4 weeks, my sister and myself have been learning something new, a new skill if you would, and it has been H for hectic! Jonga!😂 The mind has been on fire with all the new knowledge that we have been taking in, it just hasn't been easy. And in the midst of all these things, I picked up a few lessons along the way, and I believe that it is the Lord that has been teaching me, or reminding me if you would, about these things.  There this pressure when you're learning something new, that you have to know it all at once. This is a pressure that we put ourselves under, by thinking that you have to be master of this new skill immediately, and we tend to think that if we get stuck or we don't understand something, it's a bad thing

I am done! 🌺

Hey guys!  I hope this post finds you well and healthy. This won't be a long post, it's just something that I'm sharing with you guys as it was in my heart.  Well, today I want us to talk about our identity in Christ Jesus. I want us to talk about who we are in Christ, and I want us to actually talk about the mighty work that God has done in us and continues to do that great work in us. Today I want us to rise I'm courage, and own who we are.  I realized how important it is to own my identity in Christ. Yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus hung on the cross for my sins, I believe that He died, and He rose again on the third day. I believe in the resurrection power, and I believe that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me.  The reason that this is so important for me to mention is that I am tired of shying away from this truth. Yes, there are many times when I was afraid to speak up about Who I believe in, and Who I stand for. This came