
Showing posts from January, 2019

Being transformed ❤

It's blog day!!!! Thank you Jesus for this new day, thank you for new mercies, thank you for Your grace my King of Glory. Thank you for loving us and giving us the ability to love one another. Thank you for transforming us, in Jesus mighty name, Amen. Before I came to Christ, I had the mindset of a "loser", but thank God for the word of God, that is able to transform me, it is able to renew me. The word of God is the report that God has concerning my life and every area thereof (Romans 12:2). This Word is powerful when you speak it, confessing it.....when I speak it, it carries so much power and ability to transform the circumstances and situations that I find myself facing. It changes the course of my life completely and also the way I see things, the word of God transforms your vision to see with the eyes of God and not with the eyes of man. The word of God in me is Christ Jesus functioning in me to fulfill that which He  has destined me for. Whatever it is that I will

The power I have been given ❤

Today I am inspired....not only because it's a new year and new beginnings, but because I've come to understand that the Word of God remains while everything else passes away. What makes me so confident about the Word of God is the fact that it is true and it doesn't need justification. God backs His Word with the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit. The bible says the we have been given power, that same power is the power that raised Jesus from the dead and this power is in me and you. Now I want to challenge myself and those who are eager to take their lives to the next level, I want to challenge you to use the power that you have inside you to call that which belongs to you.  I challenge myself and you, to go on a journey where we learn to trust and rely on the Word of God and the power therein. This is the first post, and what inspired me about starting this blog is that I don't want to make it look easy, i want you to know that there are days where we w