
Showing posts from April, 2020

Trust and believe....

Hey everyone!😁 Today is Friday, and Friday is blog day!!!  I don't know if anyone else can relate to this but I've been disappointed so many times in my life, so much that I even got used to being disappointed. It was so amplified in my life that I found it difficult to believe and trust God, as well as the people in my life. And the thing is, if you have been let down so many times in this life, you tend to be independent, even in your relationship with God. You develop a "God, if you can't do it for me, let me know so I can put plan B in motion" attitude, which is not good because God is not a man that He should like, nor the son of man the He should change His mind, and this is the truth.  And this is one of the things that put a strain on my relationship with God, because there was no trust from my side of the relationship. And I am learning everyday to trust God,and this has been through my sisters in the Lord. Their wisdom and patience has taught me to trus

It's okay...

So I haven't posted in a while, for some reason which I myself cannot put my finger on. However I am back now...and we will be having a fun time, growing together and becoming.  Since the last time I posted, so much has happened, and gradually I will be sharing some of the experiences and what I took away from what I went through and what I'm still learning in the process of healing.  And one major thing that I can say the Holy Spirit has been teaching me is that it is okay to be weak, because in our times of being weak, His power is made perfect. Many times we would feel the need to always show how strong we are and how we can take so much, but ultimately, for the power of God to manifest fully in our lives, we must be in a position of being weak and vulnerable. That's why I say that it's okay to be weak, that is just evidence that you cannot do this on your own, you need help. The main aim of this blog is to create a platform for myself and others where we can be unap