Let's start healing🍁

What I am coming to understand is that healing is something we cannot run away from. It is something that must happen sothat we do not wound the people connected to us. You find that as you connect to people, wounds that you swept under the carpet simply because you were removed from the atmosphere where you were hurt, all of a sudden come up and they start fighting relationships that come from God.
Healing forces you to confront that which used to break you into pieces, it opens your eyes to see how the strength and power of God were at work in you at a time that you didn't even believe that He was with you. And  one thing that I can tell you is that the healing process is not easy because it makes you go back and face that which you had been running away from for so long, and that is not particularly such a nice thing because you are faced with the reality of what hurt and wound you.
 My desire is to go on this journey of healing the wounds that I didn't  know I have and those that I know that I have, the ones that I have been ignorant towards.

I have been writing this post for over a period of close to 2 weeks now, and I must say that it is one of the most toughest for me to write because I have to identify things within myself that I don't necessarily love and deal with them. Things that happened long time ago have been brought into remembrance and I've been spotting the hurt. One thing that I did stand out for me in the journey that I am still on is the vital importance of healing. I recently found myself in a situation where I reacted from a point of hurt, and I only realized a few days after that how I acted was not justified but that I had to deal with the wound of disappointment. That's when I realized that if I don't heal from that wound, it will constantly come up and I will not only be hurting myself, but the next person.  And also what I realized is that when you've been hurt and disappointed, you even get to a point where you measure God to the standard of those that didn't do what you desired and disappointed you. You start believing that God will fail at His promised word, you will even find yourself saying "even if you don't do it for me God, it's fine. Let's now go and negotiate about something else, not this area of my life".
and that is what I have been going through and I ask that the Holy Spirit, who is my ever present help in times of need, to help me in this journey.  May He help me to be bold as a lion, may He make me unashamed of what I a going through, as it might be exactly what someone needs, they need a word of healing. They need to know that it is okay to cry, it is okay to weep in the presence of the Father and allow Him to comfort you. It is okay guys, it really is. May I never make this healing process look like it's nice, because in all honesty it is not. May He strengthen me and all those who have decided to deal with that giant that keeps coming up in the form of past hurts and wounds. May He strengthen us and empower us to finish well, to look at the scars and not be ashamed to testify about the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. May He grant us the ability to stand in love and testify concerning a time in our lives where we couldn't bear to see ourselves or look at ourselves because what was reflecting back at us was ugly and nasty and unbearable. May He cause us to testify about the latter glory, reflecting or referring to the former glory that led to us being in the latter now.

As we have decided to heal, may the Lord honor us and grant us that which we desire to see at the end, but most importantly, may He grant us that which we need for our destiny and purpose.

♡With love.....
👑Siyanelisa ♡


  1. 😢😢😢❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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