
Showing posts from May, 2019

Let's start healing🍁

What I am coming to understand is that healing is something we cannot run away from. It is something that must happen sothat we do not wound the people connected to us. You find that as you connect to people, wounds that you swept under the carpet simply because you were removed from the atmosphere where you were hurt, all of a sudden come up and they start fighting relationships that come from God. Healing forces you to confront that which used to break you into pieces, it opens your eyes to see how the strength and power of God were at work in you at a time that you didn't even believe that He was with you. And  one thing that I can tell you is that the healing process is not easy because it makes you go back and face that which you had been running away from for so long, and that is not particularly such a nice thing because you are faced with the reality of what hurt and wound you.  My desire is to go on this journey of healing the wounds that I didn't  know I have and th