
Showing posts from March, 2019
Last week was not one of the easiest and most pleasant weeks for me. It felt like I was carrying so much weight on my shoulders and there was just this heavy feeling around me. You know when people say " everything that could go wrong, went wrong"....well that was me last week. I was slowly going back to a time in my life where darkness was just looming all around me. I could feel myself slipping into depression, thoughts that were coming to my mind were filled with such darkness, condemnation, disappointment and sadness. I knew that something was wrong but you know when you are in such a state it's very easy for you to snap out of it. So on Thursday, I felt like just being left alone sothat i could "think". And as I was alone, I was coming up with ways in which I could commit suicide. I was ready to take my life, but I just got this urge to read the word of God. I was trying so hard to suppress that urge, but I just wouldn't go away. So here at my place we