
Showing posts from February, 2019

Being me....

What I recall most about my life is that I always wanted to be someone else. I wanted to look like someone other than myself, have a body like my sister and have a skin that is free of blemishes....I felt like I needed to be someone else other than myself to be something in life. When I used to look in the mirror of would do so only to check if I don't have boogers in my nose 😅 simply because I couldn't stand my reflection. And it's a weight that I carried for so long that even when someone says something nice to me, I'd be like "yeah right, I know you not talking to me". And this is something that is very heavy to carry not only for me but for everyone who has been through this same thing. It's so heavy to a point whereby it doesn't jut affect me, but even those around me carried the burden of the hatred I had for myself because I wasn't living up to the standard that world has set. And constantly I would ask myself what is it that I need for pe